FB Model Story

The Model FB was founded in 1990 by Franco Borin with the creation of the first model in scale 1/43, the Alfa Romeo 750 Spider, a prototype developed by the Experimentation Center in 1956 and now kept in the Historical Museum of Arese. After that FB Model produces other models of Alfa Romeo among the most famous and successful including the 1500 6c, 6c 1750 8c 2300, 6c 2300, 2500 and 8c 6c 2900.

The most replicated cars are Alfa Romeo, built in the 30s and 40s; in particular the cars running the most famous competitions, as “Millle Miglia”, “Targa Florio” and “24 H of Le Mans”.
Franco Borin also produces some of the most prestigious road cars, built by Pininfarina, Touring and Zagato.
The production is completed with the FB Model Series Mille Miglia and precisely with the Alfa Romeo, winning eleven editions, accompanied by Mercedes of 1931 and the BMW of 1940.

Hand Made
Models are made in resin. They are issued in limited edition (max 50 pieces) and they are completely hand-made.
Painting is carried out very carefully, with only original colours. All sizes and pdetails are accurately replicated, after an oculated research and consultation of historic documents.
Ogni pezzo viene presentato in una pratica e funzionale vetrinetta in plexiglass, è fornito di marchio e numero di identificazione.
Also available some elegant small cases, with wooden base, in limited edition of 20 or 30 pieces. They are containing one or two models, dedicated to a particular pilot or builder.

30° Anniversary
FB MODEL Photo Book
In occasione dei primi 30 anni di attività della FB Model è stato pubblicato un libro dedicato all’intera produzione di modelli.
All’interno del libro vengono illustrati i modelli con numerazione progressiva in ordine di realizzazione e suddiviso per le serie Mille Miglia, FB Model, Coffret e Omen.
The publication is completed with the list of all models and versions with identification code and date of production.
You can download the ebook clicking here